Oct 20, 2008


To setup ssh auto connect between servers, run the following:

on from-server run:
cd $HOME/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t dsa

This will generate two files:
- id_dsa
- id_dsa.pub

copy the contents of id_dsa.pub to the target server

append the authorized_keys file on the target server with the contents of the generated id_dsa.pub. i.e.: cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys


ssh user@server ls -l

should run with no passwords being asked for.

user can be ignored if the user you are wanting to ssh to is the same as the user running the ssh command, obviously on different servers.

server should accept DNS entries.

Problems -

If ssh does not noto connect then check the permissions on the $HOME directory.
It should be 750 or drwxr-x---