log in again (the .exrc must be run as part of the shell when logging in) be carefull when setting this up as it could change the formatting of all the sripts .
On SUN Servers, use the following to work out the number of cpus:
expr `mpstat wc -l` - 1
mpstat gives information about cpu's and heading info, wc-l gives the number of lines in the output, expr lets you use some maths to remove the heading in the count of number of cpu's.
use the following to view current redo log file information select * from v$log ;
use the following to drop a redo log (if required) alter database drop logfile group ...
use the following to add a new redo log alter database add logfile group ... '...' size ...m reuse; when trying to drop a logfile the following error occurs
ERROR at line 1:ORA-01624: log 2 needed for crash recovery of instance CSHMNT ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: '/db/cshmnt/redolog/001/redo02.log'
Try : alter system checkpoint This should checkpoint the database and make all redolog files INACTIVE, allowing to drop redo log files.
2. put db into readonly mode SQL> recover standby database until cancel;
NOTE: It is possible that the standby database was configured to shutdown the standby database instance when managed recovery mode is cancelled. If this is the case, the command above will shutdown the standby instance and you will need to mount the standby database in standby mode before attempting to put the standby database in READ ONLY mode: SQL> startup nomount SQL> alter database mount standby database; SQL> recover standby database until cancel;
permissions granted through roles will fail when accessed through packages. See the note and link below, but these permissions fail because roles are turned off during compilation due to performance and security reasons.
Oracle requires that permissions to non-owned objects in a stored procedure be granted directly to the user. Roles are temporarily turned off during compilation, and the user has no access to anything granted through them. This is done for performance and security reasons. Roles can be dynamically activated and deactivated via the SET ROLE command, and it would be a large overhead for Oracle to constantly check which roles and permissions are currently active.
Some applications use the set role function within the application so the tables for a specific query can only be granted via the application.
However the set role function is all encommpassing, meaning that if an active role is not included in the set role function, then that current role will become non-current.
To test how a database session would work without roles, run : set role none; this is very useful when testing how commands will work within procedures etc.
create or replace function wait_row( i_v in varchar2, i_sec in number default 5 ) return varchar2 deterministic parallel_enable as begin sys.dbms_lock.sleep(i_sec); return i_v; end; /
Found this error when creating a database on solaris 9.
This error can occur on any unix host when starting an oracle database. The error is saying that the semiphore parameters are not set correctly.
In cases like this, the first parameter to look for is SEMMNS
Essentially this parameter tells how many os processes shared memory components can use on the server. So the important oracle database parameter to look at is process.
Use the following calulation to work out what SEMMNS should be set to:
SEMMNS = sum(oracle processes) + num oracle databases + system requirements
This all suggests when setting up a new server you should have an idea of the number of databases running on the server or set the SEMMNS parameter to a fairly high number.
Use the following to set up xwindows using vnc, putty
1. Make sure vnc server has been started on unix host. If it hasn't then run: - vncserver :serverid
2. Ensure the putty client has been setup with tunnels option completed. Create / Update a profile, goto ConnectSSHTunnels port should be 590serverid and host should be localhost.
note: This is only required if protocol that is being used is ssh.
Start putty client.
3. run xhost +
The xwindows window should now start. Run whatever oracle xwindows program you want.
If the window fails to start then run: - vncserver -kill :serverid
This view is slightly different to v$parameter in that it seperates out the values for specific parameters into seperate rows.
Some examples of parameters where this may occur are : - control_files - utl_file_dir
Useful when wanting to query specific values, say a particular utl_file_dir or control file. For this to work, the seperate values for these parameters must be seperated by commas.
i.e.: alter system set utl_file_dir= '/u01/ora_utl_file/hpac/', '/home/sequel/cms/test/socrates/output/', '/u01/ora_utl_file/contt/' scope=spfile ;